Bun venit in aceasta dimineata zemoasa cu arome de primavara. Soare afara, cerul curat si albastru... foarte frumos, pacat de context. Incerc sa ma grabesc sa prind amarata de sedinta, unde oricum atarn de scaun, mandru precum o fotografie ovala in sepia pe o bucata de ceramica sub o cruce jegoasa///o baba gingase precum o lebada imi suiera dulce printre dinti "prostule" multumire pentru gestul meu de a face loc spre scaun unei doamne inetate, ma uit cu dezgust la ea si tac, ma hranesc cu satisfactia de nu ai ii da ton sa refuleze/// 11:00, sala de sedinta, totul ordonat inafara de fetele plictisite, unele somnoroase altele pur si simplu. Andu in fata mea ca intodeauna, neinteresat, deseneaza sau face tot felul de calcule sau probleme de geometrie dupa diverse metode antice chinezesti, ma apuc si eu sa desenez. E liniste, se vorbeste aproape in soapta, cineva imi zice de niste poze pentru un articol, notez constincios in zig zag printre diversele desene si simboluri ce stau asternute pe coala, incerc sa intorc coala si observ ca e de fapt un print cu o poza din ziarul de ieri... ce e in print? un portret cu iliescu zambaretz as ever, poza facuta de ziua lui. Mototolesc coala o zvarl in buzunar, ma sterg la ochi si ies din sala de sedinta///acum scriu///am scris
homo fantomas
It takes a split of a second to kill a person or more, whether you pull a trigger, cut a throat or blow up a building. Coincidentially, it also takes a split of a second to...shoot a photograph. You probably don't see it, but there is one more reason to consider photography the most dangerous art in the universe. When you shoot, in that split of a second, you kill, not a person, but time itself. The camera thus becomes an instrument of destruction, far more powerful than anything we've ever seen. On the other hand, any sane person will tell you that time doesn't exist. It's a pure fantasy of ours and if this is true, then the question is, what or who the photographer kills. If the camera renders us as ghosts stuck in a matrix and the photographer kills an illusion, then we can safely say the photographer is only beholder of the Image, static Nature in motion, for just a split of a second. He is Homo Fantomas!
muie si sacaz///
de ce? pentru ca se poate///
De criza///
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