homo fantomas

It takes a split of a second to kill a person or more, whether you pull a trigger, cut a throat or blow up a building. Coincidentially, it also takes a split of a second to...shoot a photograph. You probably don't see it, but there is one more reason to consider photography the most dangerous art in the universe. When you shoot, in that split of a second, you kill, not a person, but time itself. The camera thus becomes an instrument of destruction, far more powerful than anything we've ever seen. On the other hand, any sane person will tell you that time doesn't exist. It's a pure fantasy of ours and if this is true, then the question is, what or who the photographer kills. If the camera renders us as ghosts stuck in a matrix and the photographer kills an illusion, then we can safely say the photographer is only beholder of the Image, static Nature in motion, for just a split of a second. He is Homo Fantomas!


muie si sacaz///

de ce? pentru ca se poate///

De criza///

Cu ocazia "frigului" excesiv, revin la "faza zilei" (o secunda pozata dintre cele 86399 scurse inutil)


the day the earth stood still///

Today is the day the earth stood still for me. I was listening a dumb song on my way down to the subway and all of a sudden the radio frequency gone wild, all i got was some gibberish hiss. I quikly remembered someone saying that's like the sound o stars... Than the noise turned to images, slowly surrounding me. They say if u are in a evil place your spirit wont be able to make'it to heavens. But now??? fuckkk/// I'm drinking moonshine on mars, impregnating stars, giving birth to sun's, offering Saturn's rings to Venus, but Venus wants no penis. As the future unfolds, i sail my spirit to the past, back to the day of creation. Out of the darkness comes God, drunk like a thirteen year old blonde girl, holding a pair of genitals with his third hand. He looks at me and falls asleep, holding Adam and Eve's future genitals at his chest... I leave God's crib and start wondering for αίών/// Now im back, a second later in the subway, among the empty shells///

wake the fuck up///

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