homo fantomas

It takes a split of a second to kill a person or more, whether you pull a trigger, cut a throat or blow up a building. Coincidentially, it also takes a split of a second to...shoot a photograph. You probably don't see it, but there is one more reason to consider photography the most dangerous art in the universe. When you shoot, in that split of a second, you kill, not a person, but time itself. The camera thus becomes an instrument of destruction, far more powerful than anything we've ever seen. On the other hand, any sane person will tell you that time doesn't exist. It's a pure fantasy of ours and if this is true, then the question is, what or who the photographer kills. If the camera renders us as ghosts stuck in a matrix and the photographer kills an illusion, then we can safely say the photographer is only beholder of the Image, static Nature in motion, for just a split of a second. He is Homo Fantomas!


muie si sacaz///

de ce? pentru ca se poate///

De criza///

Cu ocazia "frigului" excesiv, revin la "faza zilei" (o secunda pozata dintre cele 86399 scurse inutil)


The condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints///

A zis, scris cineva, de fata care se afla printre cei "adunati" care sa ales cu un picior rupt? De toate fantasmagoriile de la tv in primele ore, cand respectabilii nostri crainici baloshi vobeau, visau la anarhisti cu materiale inflamabile asupra lor?
Azi si in urmatoarele zile observam ce inseamna libertatea si "drepturile dronei"
Pe zgomot de Laibach-Türkiye, dedic moarte politicianului roman, sug o gura de palinca de maramu si postez cateva poze cu "aia rai si diabolici de merta batuti pe sectie pur si simplu"

freedom is obsolete///

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